Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Cast of Characters

Before I get too far into this Blog, I should probably do some introductions of people and animals that you will likely see in this blog. First up, me, the DIY Mad Scientist

Mad? Maybe, you the reader can make the final assumption for yourself. I was born and raised in central Virginia and moved to Atlanta in June of 2001. In my family we have dairy farmers, civil engineers, bank folks, elementary school teachers, and school lunch ladies.

Up Next, Andrea Broad, Roller Derby Alias, 18 Hour Broad.
Willing or unwilling victim of my experiments?  You decide. Oh, FYI she has no reservations about me keeping 100,000 stinging insects in our backyard, a tub of earthworms in the sunroom, or a bucket of rotting fish on the deck. 

The Muppets . . . erm . . . dogs

Simon, alias: The Wonderdog

He's super smart, there is no denial of this. Definitely a mama's boy and the if there were mad scientists in the canine world, he would surely be one.  That or an evil super villain.

Stella, Alias: Stella Wella

Yes, she is dumb as a box of rocks, but I love her regardless. She would be the dimwitted accomplice.


She's cute and smart and secretly plotting to take over the world one mini tennis ball at all time.

Godzilla, The ewok in Shih Tzu clothing

Don't  be fooled by the cute, he always gets what he wants. ALWAYS.

Toby and Delia

They are cats, obviously. They are also conspirators in making the life of humans miserable. Despite the fact, I still love them. See  . . . I told you they were evil conspirators.

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